Our discipleship strategy can be summarized in the acronym F.I.N.D
F- Friendship: Through a phase one measure in Connect centres outreach seeking to know the individuals and their stories right in their habitat before preaching.
I- Influence: This next phase is the crux of the matter. The more they are exposed to Jesus and his teachings the more they become like him. There trainer therefore takes them through thorough phase of Jesus discovery which is tagged alignment with Christ. His captain makes deliberate effort to bring them closer to himself to learn in practise how a life changed by Jesus is lived. In a new venue away from their drug ridden habitat, the trainer would take them through one of the books of the gospel to know more about Jesus life and teachings. In this phase, the soldier is being INFLUENCED by Jesus and by his commanding officers lifestyle concurrently( Rookie rank)
N- Nurture: If the disciple makes it pass this phase, he is promoted by merit to a much more serious phase of training. In this phase he begins an in depth study of the book of Acts of the Apostles to understand how the disciples of Jesus lived out their understanding of Jesus’s teaching. Their purpose, after their encounter with Jesus and the empowerment by the Holy Spirit was altered to only fulfil one mission; to bring souls to the King. Therefore the BLC soldier would understudy their lives while they read on a book authored by the BLC founder titled Rain drops from Heaven. Their study of the apostles is known as aliment with the apostles. In this rank the BLC soldier is expected to have quit all addictions and defined his purpose ready for active ministry.
D- Deployment: After this phase, they are still scheduled to go through a last phase of training known as the deployment phase. In this phase they are to go through a book authored by Dr. Peter Ozodo titled fishing for men. This book is a practical manual on how to share your faith both formally and informally. They are then given an examination to write, to adjudge what they have actually been learning through the phases of training. They are also expected to spell out their mission and purpose clearly. If they pass, they would be either deployed to a BLC FIND context, or to their own peculiar ministry. They then become Captains in ministry. While they serve they will be accessed and observed closely. Whenever their ministry births another soul who is likewise discipled up to the captainship rank, the BLC soldier becomes a General servant, mentoring another soldier and down line for King Jesus
Our vision is to have 30 FIND connect centres by 2030
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