To support our cause,
- Pray: Pray with friends weekly for BLC or you may join our WhatsApp platform (Philippian Club Network) to pray regularly for the BLC army
At BLC, we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others through our various outreach initiatives.
1. BLC Outreach Fund enables us to reach communities far and wide with the message of hope and love in Christ. Through your contributions, we can organize impactful outreaches weekly, monthly and annually.
2. The BLC Development Fund plays a crucial role in enhancing our organizational capabilities and expanding our reach to communities. Your donation towards this fund enables us to invest in infrastructural development, community impact and training/empowerment programs,
3. BLC Welfare Fund. Your generous donations towards this cause enable us to provide essential support for our staff and families who are not on any structured salaries.
4. BLC Scholarship Fund. Your contributions towards this fund enable us to provide educational opportunities to deserving individuals who may otherwise not have access. By investing in education, we can create pathways to brighter futures and empower individuals to reach their full potential.
Your support towards any of these causes is deeply appreciated and makes a significant impact in advancing our mission of love, compassion, and transformation. Together, we can continue to make a positive difference in the world.
- Provide : Send your financial gift to
ACCOUNT NO: 823705041
NAME: Hilda-Joy O’Connor
SORT CODE: 04-29-09
ACCOUNT: 72824751
Thank you for your generosity and partnership in our journey of service to the Almighty God.
- Participate: Volunteer to become a part time staff (BLC Volunteer Services)
PHILIPPIANS CLUB NETWORK (PCN): PCN is a group of friends and contemporaries who have committed to the above three P’s of support. They are the hands of Aaron and Hur who held up the hands of Moses while his upheld hands ensured the victory of the war in the valley. To constantly get debriefing about our activities and missionary endeavours, join our partnership group on Facebook or whatsApp. Write to us at to add you up!
Join us to make a difference in the lives of the youth.
For the Cross and for the salvation of the World!
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